YMCA Foyer Refurbishment

We are exciting to share our first pictures of  the refurbishment of the YMCA Foyer which started last year and is due for completion in May of this year. The first phase of the work saw improvements made to the roof as well as the replacement of all the external windows with the internal work starting in October 2020. The final phase is now nearing completion and has focused on the internal refurbishment of several accommodation units as pictured.

This project has been funded completely via external funds received from the Nationwide and the Lofthouse Foundation.

The YMCA Foyer is based in Fleetwood, and has been operating since 1999. The Foyer has 11 self-contained flats, and 8 Bedsits for 16-21 (up to 24 under certain circumstances). More information on the YMCA Foyer can be found here




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