If you are struggling to cope in one or more areas of your life and need additional support, YMCA Housing deliver a range of services to help.
Our Service Delivery Model shows you what you can expect from our Support Services once referred to us. The model is based on full involvement and collaboration ensuring you have the opportunity to influence service design and delivery to meet your personal needs.
The YMCA Triangle is at the heart of everything we do. It represents our holistic and personalised approach to supporting you to develop in Body, Mind and Spirit.
Body – We will promote and encourage your physical health and well-being
Mind – We will promote and encourage your positive mental and emotional health and well-being
Spirit – We will seek to develop your confidence, self-esteem, self belief and spirituality, enabling you to actively contribute to and feel a part of your local community
Stages of the Model:
- Assessment of Need – A joint needs assessment undertaken in collaboration with you on referral. The outcome of this assessment forms the basis of your co-produced personalised support plan which is regularly reviewed.
- Immediate Needs – Where your immediate needs are identified (shelter, warmth, food, water, access to money) these are addressed as a priority.
- On-going Crisis Intervention – YMCA staff will work to support and enable you to address the issues that are impacting on your ability to thrive. This includes signposting and referring you to specialist agencies where required.
- Personal and Social Development – We will provide opportunities for you to develop your social and personal skills, including, building confidence, self esteem, independent living skills, problem solving skills, being part of your community and contributing.
- Empowerment and Independence – Our aim is for you to realise your full potential having developed a range of skills enabling you to live independently, be part of the local community, secure education, gain employment and training.